Initial Registration BefundPost Laboratory Selection Please select from the following list the laboratory from which you expect your results to obtain information for initial registration. Please select the relevant laboratoryIHR Labor 1010IHR Labor 1040IHR Labor 1070IHR Labor 1090IHR Labor 1100IHR Labor 1140IHR Labor 1150IHR Labor 1220Labors.atLabor BruckneudorfLabor BadenLaboratorium Dr. KosakBurgenländische Krankenanstalten GmbHDr. Gernot Walder GmbHDr. Schobesberger, Privatlabor – OberösterreichDr. Tanja TschöscherENML – Erste NÖ Medizinische Laborbetriebs GmbH MathildeHanusch Krankenhaus – Institut für Med. und Chem. LabordiagnostikHealth Center am Flughafen Wien-SchwechatHG Pharma GmbHimaH GmbHIMCL/Synlab (9 Standorte)Innovacell BiotechnologieInstitut für gentechnische UntersuchungenKAGES - Institut für Krankenhaushygiene und MikrobiologieKardinal Schwarzenberg KlinikumKepler Universitätsklinikum LinzKIMCL des LKH – Univ. Klinikum GrazKlinik DonaustadtKlinik Favoriten, Institut für LabordiagnostikKlinik FloridsdorfKlinik HietzingKlinik Landstraße – Zentrallaboratorium und BlutbankKlinik Ottakring – ZentrallaboratoriumKlinik Penzing – ZentrallaborKlinikum Klagenfurt – Institut für Labordiagnostik und MikrobiologieKrankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern RiedKrankenhaus OberndorfKrankenhaus Sankt Josef BraunauLabdia Labordiagnostik GmbHLabor der Universitätsklinik für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde des Uniklinikums SalzburgLabor Doz. DDr. Stefan MustafaLabor Dr. BreuerLabor Dr. BühlmannLabor Dr. Claudia VidottoLabor Dr. Gerda DorfingerLabor Dr. HenglLabor Dr. Igor TheurlLabor Dr. PhiladelphyLabor Dr. Tiran (Standorte Graz 8020 und Leoben 8700) – SteiermarkLabor Dr. ZanoniLandesklinikum HornLandesklinikum Mistelbach – GänserndorfLandesklinikum Wr. Neustadt – NiederösterreichLandeskrankenhaus Salzburg – Universitätsklinikum der PMULandeskrankenhaus Weststeiermark – Standort DeutschlandsbergLK Amstetten – NiederösterreichLKH FeldkirchLKH VillachMB-LAB – Mikrobiologisches Labor InnsbruckMedilab Dr. Mustafa Dr. Richter OG – SalzburgMedizinische Universität InnsbruckMedizinische Universität WienMedUni GrazmyLab – Medizinisches Labor Dr. Paul NiedetzkyNovogenia GmbH – SalzburgOrdination Dr. Christian GabrielOrdination Dr. Ulrike FreynhoferÖsterreichisches Rotes Kreuz, Generalsekretariat– WienÖsterreichisches Rotes Kreuz, Landesverband OÖ, Blutzentrale Linz – OberösterreichPathologielabor Dr. Obrist & Dr. BrunhuberPermedioPharmGenetix – SalzburgPilzambulatorium WienPVZ Primärversorgungszentrum St. PöltenPyhrn-Eisenwurzen Klinikum SteyrRadkersburger Hof – Zentrum für Gesundheit und RehabilitationRheuma-Zentrum Wien-OberlaaSalzkammergutklinikum VöcklabruckSMZO/Donauspital – WienSpeziallabor Wick – TirolTrinicumUniv.-Klinik für Innere Medizin II – TirolUniversitätsklinikum AKH Wien/MedUni WienUniversitätsklinikum St.Pölten – NiederösterreichUniversitätsklinikum TullnWahlarztordination Labor MarculescuZentrallabor Tauernklinikum Zell am SeeZHB Labor GmbHZIMCL Universitätsklinik Innsbruckkein PartnerlaborUnfortunately, the laboratory you have chosen is not a partner laboratory of BefundPost, so registration is currently not possible. Would you like to recommend BefundPost to your laboratory? Please fill in the fields below to send a recommendation email to the selected laboratory.IHR Labor 1010 - ErstregistrierungTo register with BefundPost for the first time, please contact the laboratory listed below directly and provide them with your email address for electronic result queries. You can find more details HERE. Have you already provided your email address? Once your results are available online, you will receive your login credentials for BefundPost via email. Please note that processing times may vary depending on the result. If you do not receive your login credentials in a timely manner, please contact the laboratory as well. IHR Labor 1010Medizinisch-diagnostisches Laboratorium mit MikrobiologieDr. Gernot Kriegshäuser Dr. Karl Lueger Platz 2, 1010 WienT: +43 1 890 67 01F: +43 1 890 67 01 85E: info1010@ihrlabor.atIHR Labor 1040 - ErstregistrierungTo register with BefundPost for the first time, please contact the laboratory listed below directly and provide them with your email address for electronic result queries. You can find more details HERE. Have you already provided your email address? Once your results are available online, you will receive your login credentials for BefundPost via email. Please note that processing times may vary depending on the result. If you do not receive your login credentials in a timely manner, please contact the laboratory as well. IHR Labor 1040Medizinisch-diagnostisches Laboratorium mit MikrobiologieDr. Florian Mayer Operngasse 17-21, 1040 WienT: +43 1 587 53 87F: +43 1 587 08 15E: info1040@ihrlabor.atIHR Labor 1070 - ErstregistrierungTo register with BefundPost for the first time, please contact the laboratory listed below directly and provide them with your email address for electronic result queries. You can find more details HERE. Have you already provided your email address? Once your results are available online, you will receive your login credentials for BefundPost via email. Please note that processing times may vary depending on the result. If you do not receive your login credentials in a timely manner, please contact the laboratory as well. IHR Labor 1070Medizinisch-diagnostisches Laboratorium mit MikrobiologieDr. Pia Schatz Westbahnstraße 6A, 1070 WienT: +43 1 523 83 36F: +43 1 523 63 29E: info1070@ihrlabor.atIHR Labor 1090 - ErstregistrierungTo register with BefundPost for the first time, please contact the laboratory listed below directly and provide them with your email address for electronic result queries. You can find more details HERE. Have you already provided your email address? Once your results are available online, you will receive your login credentials for BefundPost via email. Please note that processing times may vary depending on the result. If you do not receive your login credentials in a timely manner, please contact the laboratory as well. IHR LABOR 1090Medizinisch-diagnostisches Laboratoriummit MikrobiologiePD. DDr. Elisa Rivelles, PhD, MBA Währinger Straße 63, 1090 Wien(Ecke Schlagergasse)T: +43 1 408 31 31F: +43 1 408 48 85E: info1090@ihrlabor.atIHR Labor 1100 - ErstregistrierungTo register with BefundPost for the first time, please contact the laboratory listed below directly and provide them with your email address for electronic result queries. You can find more details HERE. Have you already provided your email address? Once your results are available online, you will receive your login credentials for BefundPost via email. Please note that processing times may vary depending on the result. If you do not receive your login credentials in a timely manner, please contact the laboratory as well. IHR LABOR 1100Medizinisch-diagnostisches Laboratorium mit MikrobiologiePD. Dr. Franz Ratzinger, PhD, MBA Rotenhofgasse 14, 1100 WienT: +43 1 604 91 19F: +43 1 604 91 19 31E: info1100@ihrlabor.atIHR Labor 1140 - ErstregistrierungTo register with BefundPost for the first time, please contact the laboratory listed below directly and provide them with your email address for electronic result queries. You can find more details HERE. Have you already provided your email address? Once your results are available online, you will receive your login credentials for BefundPost via email. Please note that processing times may vary depending on the result. If you do not receive your login credentials in a timely manner, please contact the laboratory as well. IHR LABOR 1140Medizinisch-diagnostisches Laboratorium mit MikrobiologieDr. Helga Paula Linzer Straße 73, 1140 WienT: +43 1 982 64 64F: +43 1 982 64 64 20E: IHR Labor 1150 - ErstregistrierungTo register with BefundPost for the first time, please contact the laboratory listed below directly and provide them with your email address for electronic result queries. You can find more details HERE. Have you already provided your email address? Once your results are available online, you will receive your login credentials for BefundPost via email. Please note that processing times may vary depending on the result. If you do not receive your login credentials in a timely manner, please contact the laboratory as well. IHR LABOR 1150Medizinisch-diagnostisches Laboratorium mit Mikrobiologie!Dr. Therese Kosak Gablenzgasse 3 / 4. Stock, 1150 WienT: +43 1 890 67 15F: +43 1 890 67 15 85E: IHR Labor 1220 - ErstregistrierungTo register with BefundPost for the first time, please contact the laboratory listed below directly and provide them with your email address for electronic result queries. You can find more details HERE. Have you already provided your email address? Once your results are available online, you will receive your login credentials for BefundPost via email. Please note that processing times may vary depending on the result. If you do not receive your login credentials in a timely manner, please contact the laboratory as well. IHR LABOR 1220Medizinisch-diagnostisches Laboratorium mit MikrobiologiePD. Dr. Georg Greiner, PhD, MBA Wagramer Straße 144, 1220 WienT: +43 1 203 67 74F: +43 1 203 71 05E: - Erstregistrierung To register with BefundPost for the first time, please contact the laboratory directly. They will provide you with all the necessary information for initial registration. Have you already informed the laboratory that you wish to receive your results electronically?If so, please fill out the registration form to proceed. LABORATORIUM BRUCKNEUDORF - ErstregistrierungTo register with BefundPost for the first time, please contact the laboratory listed below directly and provide them with your email address for electronic result queries. Have you already provided your email address? Once your results are available online, you will receive your login credentials for BefundPost via email. Please note that processing times may vary depending on the result. If you do not receive your login credentials in a timely manner, please contact the laboratory as well. LABORATORIUM BRUCKNEUDORFJosef-Schöberl-Gasse 1a2460 Bruckneudorf Telefon: 02162/690 33Telefax: 02162/690 33-33 >KontaktierenLABOR Baden - ErstregistrierungTo register with BefundPost for the first time, please contact the laboratory listed below directly and provide them with your email address for electronic result queries. Have you already provided your email address? Once your results are available online, you will receive your login credentials for BefundPost via email. Please note that processing times may vary depending on the result. If you do not receive your login credentials in a timely manner, please contact the laboratory as well. LABOR BadenKaiser Franz Josef-Ring 222500 Baden Telefon: +43 2252 48150Telefax: +43 2252 >KontaktierenLaboratorium Dr. Kosak - ErstregistrierungTo register with BefundPost for the first time, please contact the laboratory listed below directly and provide them with your email address for electronic result queries. Have you already provided your email address? Once your results are available online, you will receive your login credentials for BefundPost via email. Please note that processing times may vary depending on the result. If you do not receive your login credentials in a timely manner, please contact the laboratory as well. Laboratorium Dr. KosakMariannengasse 14/ 2OG u. 3OG, TOP 3-5, 1090 Wien Telefon 01/4053202 I 01/40591 05Telefax 01/4053202-85 I 01/4053202-86E-mail>KontaktierenVorname *Nachname *Ihre E-Mail-Adresse *Ihre Nachricht an das Labor *Guten Tag Ich bin ein regelmäßiger Besucher Ihres Labors. Kürzlich bin ich auf BefundPost gestoßen, eine Plattform, die es Personen ermöglicht, ihre Laborbefunde einfach und sicher digital zu verwalten. Ich finde, dass Ihr Labor von den Vorteilen einer Partnerschaft mit BefundPost profitieren könnte. Mit freundlichen GrüßenDiese Nachricht wird in der standardisierten Empfehlungsemail eingefügt.Ich stimme zu, per E-Mail über Neuigkeiten, Angebote und Updates informiert zu werden.Empfehlung sendenPlease do not fill in this field.